Effect of Parental Authority Upon the Persons of the Children
(Articles 220 to 224)

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Art. 220. The parents and those exercising shall have with the respect to their unemancipated children or wards the following rights and duties:

(1) To keep them in their company, to support, educate and instruct them by , and to provide for their upbringing ;

(2) To give them , advice and counsel, ;

(3) To provide them with , inculcate in them honesty, integrity, , self-reliance, industry and thrift, stimulate their interest in , and inspire in them ;

(4) To furnish them with educational materials, supervise their activities, recreation and association with others, , and prevent them from acquiring to their health, studies and morals;

(5) To them in all matters affecting their interests;

(6) To demand from them ;

(7) To impose discipline on them as may be ; and

(8) To perform such other duties as are upon parents and guardians.

Art. 221. Parents and other persons exercising parental authority shall be for the injuries and damages caused by the of their unemancipated children living in their company and under their parental authority subject to the provided by law.

Art. 222. The courts may appoint a guardian of the child's property or a guardian ad litem when the so requires.

Art. 223. The parents or, in their absence or incapacity, the individual, entity or institution exercising parental authority, may petition the proper court of the place where the child resides, for an order providing for over the child. The child shall be entitled to the , either of his choice or appointed by the court, and a shall be conducted wherein the petitioner and the child shall be heard.

However, if in the same proceeding the court finds the petitioner at fault, irrespective of the , or when the , the court may also order the of parental authority or adopt such other measures as it may deem just and proper.

Art. 224. The measures referred to in the preceding article may include the of the child for in entities or institutions engaged in child care or in children's homes duly accredited by the proper government agency.

The parent exercising parental authority shall not with the care of the child whenever committed but shall provide for his support. Upon proper petition or at its own instance, the court may of the child whenever just and proper.

Exercises created by Atty. Gerry T. Galacio; all rights reserved. You can freely use these exercises, but you must not upload
them to any website or the cloud. For comments, questions, corrections, or suggestions, email gtgalacio@yahoo.com